“The real question is not whether life exists after death.The real question is whether you are alive before death”


Four pillared philosophy that guides us through the body, mind, emotions and spirituality.

  • Create an awareness in your body

  • Identify what your emotional state is trying to tell you by demonstrating physiological symptoms

  • Identify limiting beliefs systems and shift perspective and context allowing space to overcome

  • Create new ideologies developing your mental stability and coping mechanisms towards stress

  • Understand where you are on your own heroes journey

  • Create a program to look after physiological symptoms

  • Create a daily practice to ground, centre and focus you

  • Give you an understanding of how the mind and the body uses old stories for safety and how that limits us reaching our potential

  • Empower you to expand towards the most vibrant expression of your true self



Our body is our vehicle in this lifetime. It does so much work on a second to second basis often without any thanks or acknowledgment.

Often when we experience physical problems or physical presentations it is due to a build up of emotional, psychological or spiritual discomforts that have been pushed down and eventually display themselves in physical form.

My job is to try and ease the physical dysfunction, whether that be shoulder pain or obesity and help you to create pathways from a psychological, emotional and spiritual space to not only ease physical discomfort but to recognize the source of the imbalance .

Together we will create a program or practice to meet the immediate needs and also create space for the underlying information to arise and shape the program each step of the way. We will create abundance within your body.



The mind body connection is a profound one and one that is constantly being researched to identify the impact of one on the other.

We know that by keeping a calm and peaceful mind it creates a harmonious homeostatic state, this in turn triggers the para sympathetic nervous system. This is the system that takes us out of a fight and flight state and puts us into a rest and digest state. A state where our mind and body no longer thinks that we are in danger and instead understands that we are safe. We can relax, our heart rate can slow, our breathing can deepen and we can begin to normalize our hormone production. This state reduces anxiety and inflammation and leads to a more neutral state of being that is beneficial for future planning, perspective, feeling love, presence and creativity.

There are various techniques that help with creating this state of mind, such as meditation, breathing, talking and feeling heard and understood. Together we will culminate what this looks like for you, given your individual struggles, routines, current capacity and lifestyle.



The eternal soul in the human existence. Why are we here? What do we need to learn? How can we make this experience as fruitful as possible?

My personal spiritual practice along side the support of others is probably the most powerful tool and connection that has shifted my integrity and how supported I feel in my every day life.

What is a spiritual practice and what does it mean for where you are currently at? A good spiritual practice should meet you where you are and if you don’t already have one, I suspect there is one slightly outside of your consciousness waiting and asking to be felt.

This truly is individual work though we can benefit from great guidance just how we would have been exposed to this guidance in our communities and tribes years ago, these are the great ancient wisdoms.

Together we will engage with different ideologies and philosophies to see what fits, what feels appropriate and authentic and we will create a practice that cultivates these belief systems.


Thank you for saying yes

This journey of self discovery and personal transformation is not for the faint hearted. Acknowledge your courage for turning up, understand your bravery in saying yes, this journey is one that cannot be done and does not need to be done alone. We evolved as civilizations through supporting each other, through sharing ancient wisdom and combining that with our modern knowledge.

You do not have to do this by yourself.
